This is really inspiring, Lucy! I'm realising that taking risks are what makes life exciting. Without them we plod along but don't challenge ourselves to learn or discover. Thanks for sharing your personal story 😊

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Welcome to bonkers Istanbul Lucy. It was 22 years ago that I first set foot amongst cats and seagulls and I’m not sure I understand the city any better now! The love of it never leaves though…

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So cool that you made that choice! I very impulsively moved from Canada to Australia in my early 20s and spent a year. I was an expat in other countries for a combined decade, and settled with my husband no win the US. Now and again I feel the itch to move to another country.

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As an Aussie expat to Japan, there’s a lot different in this experience. Yet it all does seem to feel the same as well!

Loved coming across your work and experiences! I know our “Substack” paths are quite different but I’d love to chat about collaborating if that’s of interest!

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I am no stranger to standing on the edge of the abyss and deliberating, so hats off to you for 'jumping into the unknown', and embracing the heady cocktail of fear, excitement and impulse, which so often drives the coolest of life's choices.

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Totally, totally relate to the finding simple tasks like buying dinner in a new country exhausting! Such a great piece ✨

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